Creating change
Case studies of our work in driving better social outcomes.
At SouLab we specialise in designing, implementing and measuring social change. Here are some examples of the work that we have undertaken with our incredible social change partners.
Impact assessment success stories
Explore how we've partnered with clients to measure how they do good.

Measuring mental health reform outcomes: Review of the NSW mental health indicator framework
SouLaB was engaged by the NSW Mental Health Commission to develop headline indicators for monitoring progress in mental health reform. This involved conducting lived experience consultations across NSW to identify key aspects of the mental health service system and primary drivers of mental health. The collected information, alongside a review of best available evidence, was used to create an outcomes framework and a revised set of headline indicators.​​

Development of a Decision Making Framework: Improving the matching of families to services
SOULAB was engaged by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services (NSW FACS) to develop a resource for matching families with appropriate services, aimed at achieving the best positive outcomes. The casework process was mapped to develop a best practice casework decision-making framework, which individuals with lived experience subsequently tested. Recommendations were provided on embedding the resource to support more effective matching of families with the most appropriate services.

Human centred design consultations to inform the design of the Mentally Healthy Workplace program
​SafeWork NSW engaged SouLab to lead a human-centred design consultation with NSW businesses and stakeholders to shape the new Mentally Healthy Workplace program. This involved engaging SafeWork NSW's customer base to inform and refine the program's design to closely meet their needs. Through collaborative design and stakeholder testing, a tailored program was developed to increase adoption and completion rates among small and medium businesses across NSW.

Impact Assessment of ABC Trailblazer Program
SouLab, in collaboration with the Australian National University, assessed the impact of the ABC Trailblazers program. To overcome the challenge of establishing a theory of change for a longstanding program, workshops with the ABC project team and past Trailblazers were used to understand the mechanics of change in terms of outcomes for participants. Surveys, interviews, and broadcast data were used to identify areas for program enhancement, providing the ABC project team steps to create an even bigger impact.

Improving young people's understanding of ADVO, bail conditions, and court processes
Youth Justice NSW (YJ NSW) engaged SouLab to assess young people's understanding of their Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders, bail conditions, and court processes. Through lived experience consultations with sector stakeholders and over 100 justice-involved youth, areas of low comprehension and gaps in best practices were identified. Leveraging youth experiences, solutions were developed and tested to better meet their needs, providing YJ NSW with a range of strategies and solutions to enhance young people's understanding.

Impact Investment Readiness Assessment: Refugee employability skill-development program
SSI engaged SouLab to assess a key refugee employability skill-development program. This involved developing a program an impact measurement framework and data collection tools to evaluate short—and medium-term outcomes for program participants. To assess the program's potential to attract social impact investment funds, an impact investment readiness framework was developed. The assessment provided clear recommendations on the next steps to take so the program would be viable to social impact investment funds.

Rapid Evaluation of Dignity Housing Pilot
NSW DCJ were seeking approval to extend the Dignity Housing Pilot into 2021-22 and required a rapid evaluation aligned with NSW Government Program Evaluation Guidelines. A Community Impact Framework and benefit-cost model were developed to quantify and articulate the pilot's impacts and assess its economic benefits and costs, compared to a comparison group. Through a program design review, recommendations were provided for future rollout aimed at enhancing participant outcomes. The evaluation enabled NSW DCJ to secure funding for extending the pilot, ensuring continued support for youth and elderly populations experiencing homelessness.

Review of Specialist Homelessness Services Unit Costs
Soulab conducted an independent desktop review for the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (NSW DCJ) on unit costs developed for Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS). The unit costs were developed using the DCJ Unit Costing Framework to standardise unit costs in the SHS sector. The review analysed the methods, underlying workings and calculations to provide independent assurance to the Department and stakeholders for the new unit costings. The unit costings will support DCJ and the SHS sector in delivering quality services, improving client outcomes, and establishing sustainable funding levels for a viable SHS sector.

NSW Workforce Adaptation Research and Analysis
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) engaged SouLab to conduct a workforce adaptation analysis on four megatrends. The analysis identified key issues within each trend and explored how TfNSW could leverage these trends to enhance workforce retention, engagement, and productivity. By uncovering potential mechanisms for workforce adaption, strategic insights and recommendations on areas to leverage were developed. A roadmap outlining a high-level workforce adaptation strategy for TfNSW across the four megatrends was developed as part of these insights and recommendations.
Action Lab success stories
Explore how we've partnered with clients to design the change they want to see in the world.

Ashmont Community Lounge and Grocery
SouLab collaborated with a social housing community in Ashmont to assess the feasibility of establishing a social business to support disadvantaged communities in NSW. Through the action lab, a social enterprise was designed and piloted to generate employment, reduced food waste, and increased food security.The project identified that establishing community-based social enterprises generated various benefits, such as economic and empowerment outcomes. Based on consultations and analysis, a community store was the chosen social enterprise to meet the community's needs. Today, the Ashmont community own and operate the store.

Development of a strategy to address domestic violence in NSW Muslim communities
In NSW, domestic violence-related assaults are increasing. SouLab, in partnership with the Australian Muslim Women's Association and the Australian National University, ran a solution-focused workshop to address DFV issues specific to the Muslim community. A main focus of the lab was on the cultural needs of Muslim women when accessing mainstream services. The lab brought together representatives from across the community. The outcome was a set of strategies and actions to address DFV within NSW Muslim communities.

Economic empowerment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse women in the ACT
IWin engaged SouLab to run a collective impact lab to identify innovative and structured approaches to increase economic opportunities and supports for CALD women. The three-part workshop series brought together the CALD community, NGOs, and government to collectively identify issues, solutions, and an impact action plan. Additional design labs were undertaken to develop an operating model for the new social enterprise (Her Kitchen Table) which would provide economic opportunity to migrant and refugee women and promote social cohesion in the Canberra community. HKT has been live since 2021.